Reiki Healing will help you feel more balanced and in touch with your emotions: feel, connect, and reach them. It will balance the energy of your Seven Chakras, unfolding your energy and cleaning blocks.
In the sessions, I will give you feedback on the repercussions felt in each unbalanced chakra at the end of the session. I will provide the necessary recommendations to change limiting beliefs, bad habits, lifestyles, and resignifications, aiming at your well-being, development, and personal evolution, contributing as a fundamental tool for self-knowledge.
Duration: 75 min
1 season: 1.4 mil IRD (83€)
4 seasons: 5 mil IRD (300€)
6 seasons: 8 mil IRD (500€)
Reiki with Sound healing, imagine the gentle touch of Reiki accompanied by the gentle sound of bowls. This union creates a sacred space where the body healing happens: profound release, restoration, and renewal.
Duration: 90 min
1.8 mil IRD (107€)